Thursday, November 12, 2020

Black Lives Matter campaign at Amazon.

 Amazon Corporate Hiring Policy

Black Lives do Matter, All Lives Do, with or without a felony.

By Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

The Cyber Show blog on Amazon.
Black Lives Matter campaigns have been everywhere this year.
What exactly does that mean?

Amazon ran a great Black Lives Matter campaign earlier in the year. Or so we thought.
Upon further investigation it turns out that only certain lives matter, not all when it comes to corporate hiring policies.

Amazon is not alone.

How can a campaign matter if it excludes a huge portion of the population?

The largest incarcerated population in the World also has the largest felon population outside of prison seeking gainful employment. Amazon is always touting jobs but will never hire a felon.

The Cyber Show blog on Blogger, by Google.
The Cyber Show blog on Blogger, by Google.

The campaign began showing the true colors with the announcement of the Bezos Academy for underserved children. Amazon will never hire anyone who has made a mistake in the past. All lives matter but only to a point with certain companies.

What about their children?

Can the child of a felon attend the Bezos Academy Amazon?

What about working for Amazon? That is a no. Corporate policy, sorry.

Please buy from us, we support black lives. What?

CNN Report of Bezos Academy.
CNN Report of the new Bezos Academy.

With the largest incarcerated population in the World, The United States also has the largest population of released felons back into society. Amazon is constantly touting jobs and new warehouses, but the truth is they will not hire a Black, White or any color felon. Sorry, doesn't matter how long ago the crime was or even what happened. Amazon does not care what or when it was.

But you can still buy from us!

We have a policy.

Does having a policy make it right?

Amazon logo.
Amazon has a strict corporate policy.

There is a new Bezos Academy preschool, tuition free for underserved communities.
Can all black children attend, even if their mother or father has a felony record?

As of press time, Amazon has not returned a request for comment.

Corporate hiring policy is very clear...
Amazon will never hire a person with a felony record. Period.

United States of America.
Where can the largest incarcerated population work?

The jobs ordeal is continuing with politicians and wall street pushing below living wage jobs and Amazon will not even hire you. So where can they work?

The frame here is that 25 years ago you could have made a mistake and you paid your debts.
Or so you thought.

What ever happened to paying your debt to society? Amazon carries that debt forever.
Many companies and people do. 

What illegal thing have you done now? Prior felon.
What illegal things have you done in 25 years? 

Now people can do horrible things for 25 years and we elect them president.

The last three lines should make the point clear. 

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
Analyst, Researcher and Tracker.

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