Susquehanna University maintains disturbing meme Suckabanana University on search engines.
By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD
Nestled in heart of the Susquehanna Valley in central Pennsylvania is prestigious Susquehanna University. A diamond in the valley.
Malicious memes and jokes have hidden risks finally being realized by more than just the cybersecurity industry. CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post have been covering the events as they unfold with social media weaponization which comes through many avenues and dark alleys of the internet.
The university is well above this modern technical association of a bad joke that is now weaponized online. It readily shows up available to associate with and link via search engines to the universities website itself and separate searches of other keywords to Kappa Delta Sorority.
As of press time no one from the university has returned multiple requests for comments.
Is it just a joke? A meme? < ?>SEO_SU</?>
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For years it has been maintained that is a joke and just a meme. Memes and jokes with undertones like this are in poor taste at the very minimum standard of decency. With modern connectivity to the internet available with nearly every device overall internet usage and abuses have been soaring during the pandemic of 2020. COVID-19, viral attacks, ransomware and social abuses online are all reaching epic proportions as we wait for final election results.
So have the dangers.
A malicious meme or bad joke now online can reach the most innocent and at risk.
You have to break the frames and differentiate between what was shown and pushed to you and what it actually is.
Is it a video of Alice in Milan or a manipulated image created by Bob of Alice in Minsk?
It was actually made by Trudy in Moscow and emailed to Bob in Manhattan.
That impulse reaction will engrain a lasting memory node, if you will. You will remember Alice in Milan even though it was made by Trudy in Moscow and emailed to Bob in New York City.
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You will remember the context of what was intended and it may not be the reality of the situation.
It can influence the unknowing either politically or socially and abuse and entangle you.
It has to be addressed right now in every way, shape and form.
We are literally disconnecting from reality.
Hashtags and keywords are basically how Google, Microsoft and every search engine lets people find you, your business or your university. It does not just appear. Google and Microsoft did not place this on your site for you on their own accord without technical direction and consent. It is a created association made by you, your business, your university or the person(s) or business that is in charge of your website(s).
That goes for fraternities and sororities as well.
What is SEO anyway?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. <a>SEO_101</a>
Google and Microsoft can help you remove them if anyone is ever unsure of how to do so.
The hashtag below is displayed on GramHum which is an Instagram viewing page that displays dubious content with the following examples. The hashtags and keywords have many bad examples.
One of many found that purport this kind of activity. Is this suitable for a child? Is it suitable period?
Susquehanna University is not involved with any of the websites, pages, hashtags or links other than the current SEO linkage to its website and domain (TLD).
This is an example of what those keywords and hashtags represent and link to.
![]() |
Instagram viewer with few posts but dangerous content. |
Notice the same post in the snapshot above and below.
Was this created only for a political trolling campaign?
Edited for disturbing content. |
If a post or tweet is added and viewed by millions to disinform or misinform and then deleted, does it count? Yes it does. You distributed non verified malicious content.
My research has shown that several sites are being maintained for years with only a few posts being counted every year. One GramHum landing page only shows 24 posts dating back since the pages inception. A tactic used during the election. Distribute it and then delete it.
I didn't know or it was only a joke or meme is the excuse.
GranHum dotcom is registered with PorkBun LLC, a registrar of domain names that has had hundreds of reported coronavirus scam websites that it has registered this year. #CyberSecurity
This viewing page group has been placing and deleting content on various sites and show only a minimal amount of posts.
The suckabanana keywords and hashtags lead to dangerous areas of the internet with undertones and deviance that many dare not fathom, let alone witness in any form.
Do you know the Banana Fungus? It is real, and bananas may not survive.
The keywords and hashtags have many hidden dark places on the internet that the university does not know about and is not related to, responsible for or associated to in any way, shape or form other than the keyword and hashtag placement for search engines. It is just the first layer of search engine optimization that someone is in control over and will rectify the situation.
Google will gladly be able to assist. You can probably Google it.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been investigating the dark underworld of keyword and hashtag associations and leads for many years. Many lead to the dark web. Then the links and layers get deeper. The are becoming more topical and dangerously mainstream today.
Children are our future and we need to protect them. The "suck a banana' franchise of tags and associations are being hashtagged with kid themed tags including "hard for kids" and others.
The combination of what appears to be a benign "hard for kids" hashtag that may imply a difficult math or science problem, is tagged along with deviant hashtags.
Gamers and gaming sites are another lure.
Banana rooms and hidden areas that are clicked on may place your child in harms way with no knowledge if not monitored and aware of the dangers.
Many memes and online distribution channels have become dangerous social weapons.
The Washington Post published an article of political memes Friday, November 6th, 2020.
Notice the "who made this" comment. Who made it indeed.
The internet has become weaponized, not just social media.
Dangerous memes and accounts are spreading a different kind of virus that has infected everyone who has seen any of the malicious memes, videos, posts and tweets.
Courtesy of The Washington Post .
Several photos have shown up on both political and sexually themed sites.
Lurking with bad intent below in nefarious parts of the internet.
![]() |
All three above are suckabana hashtag memes cropped for content. |
The three links above are all associated with the suckabana franchise of keywords and tags that only gets worse if you follow the links and leads. Several variations of the hashtags and keywords exist and have multiplied at an alarming rate in 2020.
The Pandemonium in the Pandemic.
Hidden banana rooms and different searches yield other nefarious lures.
Weaponizing social media is not only dangerous but it is destroying the very foundations of our democracy and lives and striking many down to the core.
We all can do better. We all have to. All of US.
Veuillez ne pas sucer une banane sur votre site Web SEO. French.
Por favor, no chupes un platano en tu sito web SEO Spanish.
Molim vas, nemojte sisati bananu na svojoj web stranici SEO. Croatian.
Bitte saugen Sie keine banane auf lhrer Website SEO.. German.
Please don't suck a banana in your website SEO.
Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
Analyst, Researcher and Tracker.
The Cybersecurity Show on Blogger
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