Saturday, November 14, 2020

Cybersecurity Analyst Deletes Facebook Account


 I Deleted My Own Facebook Account on 

October 4th, 2020.

I deleted my own Facebook account October 4th, 2020.
I deleted my own Facebook account on October 4th, 2020 

The complete frustration was evident on nearly everyone online.

The constant bombardment of social and political fraudulent and fake posts, videos and Tweets with disturbing content and malicious calls to action have to be taken seriously. This is my way of getting the word out that it is time to fight back. I am continuing online, just not on Facebook until better safeguards and limitations are put in place.

Many need to be brought to justice for all types of cyber crimes online.  

2020 has been the worst year for social and cyber crimes and we have not reached Thanksgiving.

The best and brightest are working on solutions and tracking the criminals. The backlog of accounts that need to be reviewed, closed and traced just from the political chaos must be overwhelming. 

FBI Press Release Warning below of other serious crimes that the public must be aware of and must be stopped at all costs.


FBI Issues Social Media or Network Warnings.
October 15th, 2020 FBI Press Release Warnings.

Social media and platforms have become exponentially weaponized.

Everyone has been distracted with the political madness and forgot about the other threats that are constantly attacking us and our children online.

Reuters recently reported that during the last two months leading up to the election, Facebook accounts and groups called for actions to "shoot or kill" 8,760 times, or 146 times a day. 

8,760 Times, or 146 Times every single day according to a Reuters report about Facebook.

Tweet after Reuters report of 8,760 incidents.
Tweet after Reuters reported 8,760 incidents on Facebook.

In the week leading up to deleting my own Facebook account there were so many malicious calls to action and horrible people that it literally make me sick to my stomach. 

How can we fix it if we don't do anything about it? Move, change, act. Do something.

What was the point to wait until someone follows you all the way to your door and home in the real world? Just remember nobody wins in a fight, but sometimes you have to fight.

 It's just online, that post, message or account can't hurt you. 

There are evil people behind evil accounts. Bad people exist in the real world and they are online.
Now is the time to inform, educate and protect yourselves and your families, Right now. 

The video below is an old promo for my, "The Cyber Show" on Facebook Live. I deleted my own Facebook account in protest October 4th. The Cyber Show Live, Blog and Channel are still online.

                             The Cyber Show on Facebook Live? Make Facebook Great Again.

My own Facebook account was hacked more than once. I still have an old account on Facebook I was unable to reacquire and had to open another new Facebook account that I just deleted. A mild problem in comparison to some internal reports surfacing now. 

There have been so many issues on Facebook during the pandemic and the last two months that several internal sources had said that several Facebook employees have quit over frustration of not being able to do anything.

I just deleted my own Facebook account for the same reason. I'm tired of just pointing out the issues and accounts and not being able to do anything else about it. It does take time and we have to stay positive and actually do something about it. Not just talk about it anymore. 

Time to get all types of online trolls.
Inform, educate and protect yourselves and your families now.

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
Analyst, Researcher and Tracker.

I deleted my own Facebook account October 4th, 2020.
The Cyber Show Live, Blog and Channel continue after I deleted my own Facebook account above in protest to the events on Facebook and everywhere else online.

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