Saturday, September 19, 2020

Flip Flop on TikTok.

 Trump flip flops on TikTok.

By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

ByteDance would own 80% of the new entity, with Oracle being the trusted US technology partner and 12.5% owner, and Walmart would own 7.5%.

TikTok would go public in the US next year. Now is the time for US Data Policy Regulation.

The Cyber Show
ByteDance will still own the majority.

In an amazing turn of events, President Trump has flip flopped on TikTok an now gives his blessing. The pressure to approve this deal is overwhelming. The possible backlash from Beijing. The backlash from devoted users. The backlash from Wall Street. 

The security concerns remain. ByteDance will still retain the majority and incorporating a new entity in any jurisdiction will not change the business fact. If ByteDance requests any data it does not already have, how can a minority owner block that process? Maintaining data in the United States alone would not deny the immutable fact that majority rules and the data grab is already complete.


It is all about the data.

The security nightmare begins. MAC addresses have been secretly copied. Data concerns remain.

What would stop any request from the majority owners domiciled government? 

The deal still has several steps towards final approval. China is in support of this 80/20 structure.

TikTok would go public next year and be listed on a US exchange. 

TikTok would go public in the US next year.

Wall Street has already called. Wall Street loves this deal. Wall Street loved Luckin Coffee too.

There are cybersecurity issues that remain. Valuable assets with a security nightmare. 

How can you deny a ByteDance request? MAC addresses have been secretly copied. 

what if they want more from the host?

Now is the time for US Data Policy Regulations. 

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

Analyst, Independent Researcher and Tracker.

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