Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Social Bubble of 2020


 The Social Bubble of 2020.

  By Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
  September 26th, 2020.

    If you were in a hot air balloon and it had a hole in it, wouldn't you try and fix it right away?

    What about several holes?

The Social Bubble, total bubble.
The social madness of 2020. The Social Bubble.

The social madness online during the pandemic peaked with election counting rumors, blatant lies and malicious calls to action.

Decoupling technologies threaten the Internet.
 Internet changes ahead?

Arguably we are in one of the most difficult periods in American history.  
Covid-19, racism, geopolitical risks, social injustice, fake news, reviews and accounts, and daily cyber attacks, just to name a few. How will history reflect on this perilous time? 

Will it be edited for content? Fact checked? Are we in several bubbles? 
Are we in a Super Bubble?
How we respond will dictate our future.

Back to the frog and the boiling pot of water.
How many times have you seen an ad touting a job for $10? Politicians have argued this point this week specifically. Why pay people to stay home when jobs are available?

Companies big and small have many more jobs available. Corporate answers would be competitive wages and above market. $12-14 no doubt. Benefits as well?

$10 an hour for a singe parent of two is below the FPL, Federal Poverty Line. 
How many ads have you seen below the Federal Poverty Line? The Federal minimum wage has not increased since July, 2009. During that time, many S&P 500 companies have expanded and continue to push these so called jobs. It is not a job, it is a joke. 

Doubling the minimum wage might still be below the Federal Poverty Line. Lets do the math.
Would you be able to live on $14.50 an hour? If you are unable to pay your bills you are surely not investing in the stock market, Has that remained the same since 2009?

If your child has to live with you because they only have one full time job, that is a huge red flag. Financially behind means technologically behind and therefore behind overall.

Are we in a Super Bubble?
We are arguably in one of the most turbulent times in American history.

Stalled international mergers, or robbery from some perspectives are another red flag. TikTok comes to mind. SMIC is another name about to be reclassified. Major ramifications in several industries are underway. Decoupling technologies are detrimental worldwide. 

There is no winner in the battle for it all. 

The battle for our data and our integrity are at stake. Technology is readily available to not only push content, but to manipulate, alter and misdirect it to a desired endpoint. Not to mention the varieties that require ransom to release what is righfully yours. A ransomware attack in Dusseldorf, Germany earlier this month caused the death of a woman. It is life and death now, in many regards.

The battle for what is right, and what is real is underway.

Justice is blind, injustice is not. 
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...and justice for all. Rights I hold dear 
Are we just going to leave everyone else behind? @AlvieriD

September 26, 2020 and millions of people in the world still do not feel free or fed.
The Federal minimum wage has not change since July, 2009, below.
Now is the time to change many outdated policies and procedures.

Federal Minimum Wage has not changed since 2009
The Federal Minimum Wage has not changed sine 2009.

Many needed changes are coming. We are not only at the precipice of technological decoupling, we are at a major crossroad in history. We are all just to busy to notice everything right now. 
The year 2020 has been overwhelming at times.

The Double Bubble. The Super Bubble. The Total Bubble.
The Bumbled Bubble, The Perfect Bubble.

Now is the time to patch all the holes in all the bubbles. 

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