Friday, September 25, 2020

Malware Literally Just Killed Someone


 Ransomware leads to death.    

   By Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
   September 22nd, 2020.

    Did anyone notice ransomware literally just killed someone?


    Ransomware just got upgraded to Murderware.

Ransomware attack disabled hospital systems.

German police are treating the cybersecurity event as a homicide. A lifesaving surgery was cancelled at the last minute in Dusseldorf University Hospital on Wednesday, September 9th due to a ransomware attack on the hospital. The patient was immediately rerouted to the next hospital available about 20 miles away. The patient passed away during the ambulance trip.

The digital footprints are familiar. 

Dusseldorf University Hospital

Reports allege that the attack intended to attack a university (Heinrich Heine University) and redirected to Dusseldorf University Hospital. A woman was arriving for a lifesaving procedure when the ransomware attack took down the hospitals IT systems. 

The vulnerability in question is a Citrix VPN appliance controller. 
Chinese nationals have been employing this attack vector heavily this year. So have others.

Different motive? Different bad actor(s)? Same verdict. 

Death brings about change. Change is needed in the war on cyber crime. Ransomware is an evil business that is surging. Cyber criminals have been long overdue in facing the punishment for the true cost of their crimes. 

Ransomware leads to death in Dusseldorf, Germany on 9/9/2020

The vulnerability exploited was the  Citrix CVE 2019-19781 which is known and patches have been available. 
Dusseldorf University Hospital was not patched.

Chinese nationals have employed similar payload and encryption schemes used in this attack. 
Dusseldorf University Hospital was not the intended target. 

It is one of the first ransomware cases to be investigated as a homicide. Cyber criminals have been quietly holding systems, corporations and people in a digital stranglehold.  
Hopefully this will be the turning point. The trigger event.

Public awareness during the Covid-19 crisis must parlay into cybersecurity awareness. 
I am not convinced this will be the last death caused by ransomware, or software in general. 

Dominic Alvieri, Analyst, researcher and Tracker.

Analyst, Researcher and Tracker. @AlvieriD

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Social Bubble of 2020


 The Social Bubble of 2020.

  By Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
  September 26th, 2020.

    If you were in a hot air balloon and it had a hole in it, wouldn't you try and fix it right away?

    What about several holes?

The Social Bubble, total bubble.
The social madness of 2020. The Social Bubble.

The social madness online during the pandemic peaked with election counting rumors, blatant lies and malicious calls to action.

Decoupling technologies threaten the Internet.
 Internet changes ahead?

Arguably we are in one of the most difficult periods in American history.  
Covid-19, racism, geopolitical risks, social injustice, fake news, reviews and accounts, and daily cyber attacks, just to name a few. How will history reflect on this perilous time? 

Will it be edited for content? Fact checked? Are we in several bubbles? 
Are we in a Super Bubble?
How we respond will dictate our future.

Back to the frog and the boiling pot of water.
How many times have you seen an ad touting a job for $10? Politicians have argued this point this week specifically. Why pay people to stay home when jobs are available?

Companies big and small have many more jobs available. Corporate answers would be competitive wages and above market. $12-14 no doubt. Benefits as well?

$10 an hour for a singe parent of two is below the FPL, Federal Poverty Line. 
How many ads have you seen below the Federal Poverty Line? The Federal minimum wage has not increased since July, 2009. During that time, many S&P 500 companies have expanded and continue to push these so called jobs. It is not a job, it is a joke. 

Doubling the minimum wage might still be below the Federal Poverty Line. Lets do the math.
Would you be able to live on $14.50 an hour? If you are unable to pay your bills you are surely not investing in the stock market, Has that remained the same since 2009?

If your child has to live with you because they only have one full time job, that is a huge red flag. Financially behind means technologically behind and therefore behind overall.

Are we in a Super Bubble?
We are arguably in one of the most turbulent times in American history.

Stalled international mergers, or robbery from some perspectives are another red flag. TikTok comes to mind. SMIC is another name about to be reclassified. Major ramifications in several industries are underway. Decoupling technologies are detrimental worldwide. 

There is no winner in the battle for it all. 

The battle for our data and our integrity are at stake. Technology is readily available to not only push content, but to manipulate, alter and misdirect it to a desired endpoint. Not to mention the varieties that require ransom to release what is righfully yours. A ransomware attack in Dusseldorf, Germany earlier this month caused the death of a woman. It is life and death now, in many regards.

The battle for what is right, and what is real is underway.

Justice is blind, injustice is not. 
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...and justice for all. Rights I hold dear 
Are we just going to leave everyone else behind? @AlvieriD

September 26, 2020 and millions of people in the world still do not feel free or fed.
The Federal minimum wage has not change since July, 2009, below.
Now is the time to change many outdated policies and procedures.

Federal Minimum Wage has not changed since 2009
The Federal Minimum Wage has not changed sine 2009.

Many needed changes are coming. We are not only at the precipice of technological decoupling, we are at a major crossroad in history. We are all just to busy to notice everything right now. 
The year 2020 has been overwhelming at times.

The Double Bubble. The Super Bubble. The Total Bubble.
The Bumbled Bubble, The Perfect Bubble.

Now is the time to patch all the holes in all the bubbles. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Flip Flop on TikTok.

 Trump flip flops on TikTok.

By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

ByteDance would own 80% of the new entity, with Oracle being the trusted US technology partner and 12.5% owner, and Walmart would own 7.5%.

TikTok would go public in the US next year. Now is the time for US Data Policy Regulation.

The Cyber Show
ByteDance will still own the majority.

In an amazing turn of events, President Trump has flip flopped on TikTok an now gives his blessing. The pressure to approve this deal is overwhelming. The possible backlash from Beijing. The backlash from devoted users. The backlash from Wall Street. 

The security concerns remain. ByteDance will still retain the majority and incorporating a new entity in any jurisdiction will not change the business fact. If ByteDance requests any data it does not already have, how can a minority owner block that process? Maintaining data in the United States alone would not deny the immutable fact that majority rules and the data grab is already complete.


It is all about the data.

The security nightmare begins. MAC addresses have been secretly copied. Data concerns remain.

What would stop any request from the majority owners domiciled government? 

The deal still has several steps towards final approval. China is in support of this 80/20 structure.

TikTok would go public next year and be listed on a US exchange. 

TikTok would go public in the US next year.

Wall Street has already called. Wall Street loves this deal. Wall Street loved Luckin Coffee too.

There are cybersecurity issues that remain. Valuable assets with a security nightmare. 

How can you deny a ByteDance request? MAC addresses have been secretly copied. 

what if they want more from the host?

Now is the time for US Data Policy Regulations. 

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

Analyst, Independent Researcher and Tracker.

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Bumbled Bubble, All Around.


The Bumbled Bubble.

     By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

        The Bumbled Bubble is not just about valuations. 

        Out of date policies, practices and procedures are holding our country back. 

United States of AMerica.


The Federal minimum wage has NOT CHANGED since 2009 at $7.25 per hour. The chart below from during that same period of time shows a staggering return of 541%, not including dividends. Chart below courtesy of During that time that the minimum wage has not changed. That must be repeated. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained 325.78%, not adjusted for inflation (CPI), and 225.45% from July 24, 2009, to the last trading day of August, 2020.

July 24th, 2009 last minimum wage increase.

 If one were to adjust the minimum wage by the lower end DJIA return over the same period the minimum wage would be $23.60 per hour. The jobs that are being pushed at $8-12 an hour. That is not a job. We all can hear of the record $364 million dollars raised by a party. The other party is not far behind. They have good paying jobs and benefits. Companies are keeping wages down and hours below the benefit threshold. A common trick. Many old tricks are being exposed daily and the bad actors continue to act as if everything is just swell.

The data is from the US Government, DJIA, websites. Twitter Fact Check That. @AlvieriD


The Pandemic funding shows flaws in the systems and society. PPP loans were being pushed to prevent companies from laying workers off. The massive Federal Reserve cash injection has inflated stocks to such lofty levels and artificial record highs. A couple of four that has not lost their jobs they received an extra $3,400. The FEMA Emergency Fund level is a new important number to watch. If the economy does not improve by that point, will the Fed be able to step in again? What about stepping in to more than double the minimum wage? You can please highlight the more than 11 year run at this minimum that said owner has been taking advantage of. 

What then? Ten dollars an hour for anyone who lost a twenty dollar an hour job? People who didn’t lose their jobs and could buy stocks at the lows did well. What if I don’t have any stocks? What is a stock? 

Middle income workers had to drain savings accounts and sell stocks at the low in March to survive because of the uncertainty, delays, and capacity issues flooding the unemployment systems. Some systems are outdated technologies including Cobalt. Many states have different networks, within a standard, but they are not the same as the government systems. Technologically or by fiscal implementation standards. Is the same politician around? Probably.


NASDAQ 10 Year chart.

Part 2. As the markets soared to unsustainable heights, tens of millions of workers are still looking to replace multiple jobs with living wages. Productivity and cost reductions by corporations during the Pandemic brought about the realization that staffing levels can be lowered and you can increase the bottom line. You can paint any picture you want. I see people with the new cars and items, and I see the people unable to maintain their homes. Franchise and business owners get to buy another Maserati or Mercedes while others have to beg that same owner to get to eleven dollars an hour?

Do the math. Is that a living wage? Is $15? How much is that new iPhone?

Fake accounts count but people without a social media account don’t? 

Did anyone else hear that?

Wall Street pays better. They avoid struggling areas in the Bronx, West Philadelphia or Crenshaw. Go to any state. You don’t know what the real issue is. Wall Street has an issue as well. No more Chinese companies to go public like Un-luckin Coffee. 

Now what? 

There is something about a person in cybersecurity that is not see things. You find things. You can sometimes hear things, but you have to listen.


Art of War and wine opener picture.

Part 3. Please Do Not Part. The Federal Reserve ad infinitum is not possible. 

 My children would like an iPhone as well, not a black and white tv.

Again. The Federal Reserve has pumped a record amount of money into the economy, read markets. Money has nowhere else to go. not to the intended bottom line. At least  not your bottom line. Valuations continue to be distorted. Reports that 6 out of 7 major stocks account for the majority gains in the S&P 500. Apple soared to a market capitalization of 2 Trillion dollars this past week. 

With the flood of companies rushing to cash out at record highs accountability must be noted today, not years from now. AirBnB and Stripe are discussing going public. Bumble and Skillz have filed this past week with more coming as reported. Valuations continue to be created out of thin air in some cases, ala the 1990’s Dotcom Bubble “new metric.” It is different this time. Pay Per Account. Reports value the Bumble IPO at over 6 Billion dollars. What metric was that again?

The Heavy Duy Cyber Show Tweet from Dominic Alvieri.

 Wait, am I the buyer? Who am I buying from?

Mr Buffet, what is the going rate for a fake account? Recent reports of new fraudulent and fake accounts sexually exploiting minors have been dubbed “Instagram Joe” and “TikTok Tony” on social media. They are everywhere. Every platform suffers from that plague. Even on LinkedIn. A fake recruiter contacted me that I scared off was on LinkedIn. Something about Cybersecurity that makes the bad guys run. That was an easy spot. Not even a good Troll. Social, racial and political Trolls abound. It is hunting season.

The MO is usually the same. Multiple fake social accounts on multiple platforms. Several fake email accounts. Silicon Valley needs to work together. Two systems on the same network can get in trouble, no? Closing the account is simply kicking the can to the next, if he is not already there. They have multiple outlets.  

Will that account be there next month? Is that account and traffic real? Validating an IPO with metrics that need to be purged of what is now known before the sale. If I have 10 accounts and 2 are fake and fraudulent accounts doing more harm then good, how can they be included? What would you pay?

A fake account is not a valuable asset. It is fraud on both sides. The user behind the account, and the accountant who validates a known fake. Every platform has fake accounts.  


American middle class be aware. Middle class is now low income.

The old adage is true, the rich keep getting richer while the poor get poorer. 


The CyberSecurity Show by Dominic Alvieri


CNBC, CNN and other major news outlets continue to push what sells. Push what is paid for. Why don’t we talk about Pelosi’s hair cur or Trumps Tweets. That sells. The homeless and most unemployed do not have social accounts to make their voice heard. Corporate America will see the woman in NC making $33 a week in unemployment and does not even qualify for the new $300 wage loss provision. The wage loss provision does not kick in unless you make over $100 a week in unemployment. That doesn’t sell, but that is the truth.

Black Lives Matter supporters, does anyone know what is going to happen to that nice woman? Does she not count? Don't we all count?

Dominic Alvieri, Analyst, Researcher and Tracker.

Dominic Alvieri. Analyst, Independent Researcher and Tracker. @AlvieriD


The Kremlin, Politics and Ransomware

Qilin Ransomware caught with politically motivated fake document (and old data) in post. by Dominic Alvieri March 8th, 2025 @AlvieriD Was it...