Thursday, June 8, 2023

Is Leaked Data on the Dark Web Difficult or Easy to Access?

 Lawyers in Oakland and Minnesota are Worlds Apart

By Dominic Alvieri
June 8th, 2023
Twitter @AlvieriD

The distance between Oakland, California and Minneapolis, Minnesota is approximately 1,968 miles but they are going to be worlds apart in the coming courtroom battles stemming from the recent cyber incidents involving the City of Oakland and the Minneapolis Public School District. 

Play Ransomware breached the City of Oakland and Medusa Team hacked the Minneapolis Public School District. 

Is Accessing Dark Web Data Leaks Easy or Difficult?

I have a great respect for the legal profession but also believe it is one of the most abused professions. The current silencing and obstruction of security incidents is evidently not obstruction of justice. 

Some things are black or white.

In Minnesota lawyers are going to argue that accessing their dark web data leak is difficult to for the normal person.

In Oakland offensive lawyers are going to argue that their leaked data is very easy to access.

Lawyers take note of the recent examples of the dangers online including Medusa Team loading the MPS breached data and new Akira Ransomware has just been caught trying to fingerprint users. 

Truth be told it is fairly easy to access the dark web and get in trouble for the unsuspecting or unaware. What I think doesn't really matter, I'm just a random guy on the internet. 

Nearly any person with access to a computer can be shown fairly quickly how to access ransomware group leak sites and data but I would not suggest it. You need to know how to safely traverse online.

Stay safe online and off.

Dominic Alvieri
The Cyber Show

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