Thursday, September 1, 2022

Is This Email Phishing You Off?

How to Immediately Tell if This Email is from MetaMask or Phishing You

By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

August 31st, 2022

MetaMask phishing attempt.

Is this a phishing attempt?


Here is how to find out immediately. 

Most people don't remember but MetaMask did not collect your email when you created your account. MetaMask does not send emails. If you receive an email from "MetaMask" it is a phishing attempt.

The cover photo is from a current phishing campaign using a sense of urgency and fear of terminated access.

This phishing attempt obviously did not come from MetaMask. Official support @MetaMaskSupport Twitter

New redirected verification landing page and QR code linking to the phish.

This fake MetaMask email has a convoluted journey with websites hosted in Denmark and redirected to China with an Alibaba registered domain hosting the actual phish. I will post an update to this blog post or my Twitter when I close this file as the campaign is still active and a new dated email circulating.

Not another QR code...

MetaMask QR code phishing.

Remember MetaMask Does Not Send You Emails

What if this tip doesn't work with others?

This sounds easy enough and it is, whenever a question arises about whether an account has been hacked, suspended or restricted in any way is to go directly to the account in question, not through any courtesy link, notice or email.

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