Sunday, May 22, 2022

All Day I Dream about Redacted

How a bug bounty break caught an NFT scam which uncovered major credit card fraud

By Dominic Alvieri

May 22, 2022

Counterfeiting and credit card scams have been around since the products themselves. This isn't new. Distributions of the said scams are becoming more and more creative.

The scam gates have opened.

{Cover photo courtesy of scam site / in Estonia}

Adidas NFT scam

Adidas NFT claim scam

One thing leads to another

Finishing a technical report on a bug bounty I decided to search related cryptocurrency and NFT projects which were recently announced looking for bad actors whom often target new projects. Adidas, Hyundai and a soon to be named company were all being targeting.  Confirmations. 

This is the most recent Adidas court order victory.

May settlement for Adidas.

Adidas was first alphabetically and had several NFT and crypto related spoofs being represented by several actors in various countries show up on the first queries. NFT minting wallet drain spoofs and the usual giveaway scams showed immediately. 

Several related scams including /,  / and / were reported and closed along with half a dozen others. Another set of names caught my eye so I drilled down deeper.


Counterfeits and credit card fraud all over the world

Adidas-CostaRica caught my eye due to the current Conti ransomware situation in Costa Rica now. Uruguay, Ecuador, France, Malaysia and nearly apanning the globe.


more and more variations showed up on related searches:


Most of the domains in question lead to one ip address and Alibaba registered. Counterfeiting products and credit card theft alerts have been issued for these fake domains which are not official Adidas promotions. Reebok, Rockport, Nike and several other major brands have been targeted with these fake spoof websites. Outlets, sales and discounted prices are the major lures and no sneakers have been delivered to any friends who have attempted to sign up and purchase.

The Cyber Show


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