Monday, February 7, 2022

Crypto Professor Failing Ethics 101

Self proclaimed crypto professor promoting dubious crypto projects and outright frauds.

By Dominic Alvieri


The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri

Self proclaimed crypto professor, enthusiast and promoter of all things crypto Serkan Arikan has amassed a small army following pushing giveaways in Bitcoin and Ethereum and coming up with great 100% legit investments.

Whenever anyone mentions their investment is 100% legit it probably isn't. This professor likes to pitch whatever the coin or project du jour is as long as it pays him 30% or more of your investment. Giving away $8,000 to non-existent lucky winners in Ethereum almost every day. These promoters really aren't giving away $50k a week. The lure of easy money still has a very strong appeal. There are no verified winners. Only Twitter and the actual accounts know that. 

Watch out for rug burns.

Here is a clue of some of the chicanery...

Speaking of chicanery, how many accounts do you have professor?

No actual links to websites attached.

Snapshot of profile picture for account mentioned in article @SerkanArikan06 

There appears to be more than two accounts which wouldn't shock anyone. Blog updates will follow pending confirmation.

Actual professor found in turkey in red.

Outright Fraud

Here is what we know. The Twitter account for the crypto promoting Serkan has swelled to over 140,000 followers with fake giveaways, dubious offshore mining ventures and outright ponzi-type frauds. Payouts to Arikan average 30% and go as high as 80%. 

Below are several professor backed ventures that have been closed and tweets about the said projects that have been deleted. Most recently Pump Trading offering illegal and impossible daily 6% returns.

Deleted tweet for closed ponzi-type crypto fraud Pump Trading. This is the third attempt using the same template, registrar and scam.

Deleted tweet for closed fraud.

Pump Trading (Closed)

Cryptolle (Closed)

Cryptochain Tech (Closed)

The same crypto template has been used by this account peddling fraud. Some of the other 100% "legit' investments include Chinese mining ventures after China barred crypto mining. Other dubious mining facilities were located in Panama and Vietnam.

The common mining theme? Every project has referral fees going to the professor in the 30-80% range. That is 30 to 80% of your investment. What type of investments can afford those type of payouts?

None. Rhetorical question.

The professor has pitched tron[.]ac from Singapore which shares the ip address with the above tron[.] blue. How many of these Tron mining ventures are they. How many are real? Don't forget about tron[.]st and all the other high referral fee projects being pitched. Literally moments ago this account tweeted a promotion for tron[.]pe registered with Gandi and appearing to originate in China. 

China banned crypto mining yet again the professor is pitching what appears top be another new mining venture originating in the banned communist state. 

Watch out for rug burns.

More than just dubious mining projects. Be on the lookout for any suspicious offers. Someone is usually getting paid something and promoters have been known to flee. That is the definition of a crypto rug burn.

Nothing is for free. If it is free you, your data or your crypto are usually the commodity. 

Just because it is online doesn't mean it is real. There is no UFC token,

This is not a real token.,
This is not a real UFC token or link. 

It is a fight and the struggle is real. Stay safe online and off.

The Cyber Show
by Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

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