Sunday, December 12, 2021

How to Get 20,000 Followers a Month

 Fame, Fortune, Followers and Fraud

By Dominic Alvieri


Go viral. Create the next monopoly. Give away cryptocurrencies. 

Are cryptocurrencies really being given away or is it all just fantasy? Well, yes and no.

AirDrops are promotions for new cryptocurrency DeFi launches when a certain portion of the float or supply is sent or dropped out to registered users. Many of these new crypto accounts propose offerings in concert with the "random person" giveaway and come with large reference bonuses paid to the promoter while many are outright scams after your crypto.

Drill deeper into this new account and view the activity and (redacted)

The modus operandi is the same throughout the crypto landscape. Thousands in a top name crypto given to a random person.

This account gained over 20,000 followers by allegedly giving away over $80,000 in cryptocurrencies in under one month.

Show me the hash 

This suspect account has allegedly give away over $80,000 in under one month. A twenty something philanthropist. Followers have gravitated. Originally listed from California, this woman is now listed just as from the United States. 

How can an account afford to be so generous? Are they sponsored or just scammers in disguise?

Reverse images searches suggest this woman is not a crypto professional behind this account. (redacted) Tracking these accounts since inception and cross referencing other suspect activity, I feel confident in saying this is not a woman from California.

If you didn't follow this account you could spot a huge tell in the tweets above. Can you spot it?

But wait, there's more...


Back to Stella in a moment...

So how do they do it?

Do they really give away thousands every day?

Short answer is that most just don't. Several requests for transaction hashes for an audited result have gone unanswered.   

The random person giveaway

One lucky winner who usually has to follow and retweet to be eligible for the giveaway. These random person giveaway accounts tend to promote other suspect offerings like Chinese mining or Lithuanian daily return sites.

Something looks eerily similar here. One of many such accounts online.

The geolocation of this account (redacted)

photo/link redacted

Show me the account owner. Sending a winning to a controlled account (redacted)

This blog has been edited for content.

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri

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