Friday, February 12, 2021

New edX Course Links to the Chinese Chief Information Office

 Redirected Link is Now Direct Link

 By Dominic Alvieri

Twitter @AlvieriD

January 23rd, 2021

Redirected link on edX is now a direct link.
Redirected link on edX.

The second largest online educational platform edX created by Harvard and MIT has been breached. Or has it?

A new Rochester Institute of Technology online advanced cybersecurity course on edX was redirected last week to the Chinese Government Chief Information Office in Wanchai, Hong Kong China.

Now the US InfoSec portion links directly to InfoSec China

Redirected edX link to China.
Redirected link last week.

The link above leads to the Chinese Government Chief Information Office in Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Link leads to Chinese Government Information Office.
Link leads to Chinese Government Chief Information Office.

Well how did that get there?

Rochester Institute of Technology and the Chinese professor were unavailable for comment. The redirected link in week one now have direct links to the Chinese government Chief Information Office.

The US InfoSec link now leads directly to the Chinese Chief Information Officer. That is not a typo.

It is still unclear if that is the destined source for the course information. After weeks of question still no answers to why they are still there.

US InfoSec page leads to InfoSec China

Unknown joint educational operation?

Redirected page is now direct.
Redirected page is now directly linked.

US Institutions of higher learning have been probed during the pandemic and warned by the FBI for collaborating with communist groups. The persistent picture painting and data collection by the communist government is under investigation and will update the information is confirmed.

I highly doubt this is the intended educational path for US Cybersecurity masters students but things may have changed in a year, besides the Presidency. 

Update pending with comments due some time in February, 2021.

The Cyber Show

Dominic Alvieri
Twitter @AlvieriD
The Cyber Show
The CyberSecurity Show on
Google Blogger and Medium.

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