Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Is This The End Of Facebook?

 The FTC and States File Antitrust Lawsuits Against Facebook.

What Will Facebook Lite Look Like?

By Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

December 9th, 2020.

The FTC and states filed a major suit against Facebook today.
Official law suits to split Facebook have been filed.

What will Facebook Lite be in the future?

What will Facebook be in the Future? Without Instagram? Facebook without what now?
Facebook Lite? The next MySpace?

Is this the end of Facebook as we know it?

The FTC and 48 states filed antitrust lawsuits against Facebook today in official calls to split up the social media giant. Google has long been a target as well.

The pieces may be worth more apart now with historically high IPO valuations. Prices continue to rise with the flood of new issues like DoorDash today. Probably not on the thoughts of Facebook executives today but may be on their evening to do list.

Facebook may not have a choice in the near future.

Facebook / Instagram / WhatsApp
Calls to split up Facebook are now official.

This may turn out to be a historic day in retrospect.

With the calls to break up Facebook now official the company may not have a choice but to sell off units to appease the litigators. Facebook and Google have long been the targets of cybersecurity attacks and litigation. The stakes are all on the table now.

At what point is a company to large to continue to grow without harming competition?

Will splitting up Facebook change anything?

With associations in place, competition fierce and alliances made, will splitting Facebook up help or hinder competition? How big is too big?

That is a difficult question to answer and usually is settled in a court of law.

What will Facebook be in the future?
What will Facebook be in the future?

Is this the end of Facebook? Probably not. Is this the end of Facebook as we know it today?

That remains to be answered more likely now in a court of law. Time always tells.
Facebook is now officially on the clock as the net has been cast.

Once the net is cast there is usually a price to be paid. Once again, time will tell. 

Stay tuned.

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD
Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

The Cyber Show 
The CyberSecurity Show on Google Blogger and YouTube
by Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD

Analyst, Researcher and Tracker.

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