Friday, July 24, 2020

Dominic Alvieri To Post or Not To Post? That is The Censor.

Can the World survive with the Internet this way?

July 24th, 2020                  

By Dominic Alvieri     


Negative posts have been planted and circulated on our social media platforms by foreign sources to cause chaos.


              One Censor with Many Sensors. @AlvieriD

Internet censorship is on the rise.
The Internet is being closed. So is Freedom.

                      When do you restrict a post?

                      When do you level the playing field?

 Why would you close your countries Internet access?

 Why do you have rooms of monitors in our country?  

 Why do you have a database on me overseas? Really?       


Glasses with image of road and internet sign. Opaque brick wall behind image.
The brick wall coming up behind the Internet. 

Every day more and more censors with real time sensors are monitoring, editing, and blocking content from being viewed on various social media platforms around the world. More shocking is the daily movement towards restricting the pursuit of life and liberty itself.

When an overseas criminal is hidden behind a countries Intranet, the odds are stacked against you. Not house rules, skyscraper rules.

Call it what it is. It is not the Internet. Countries have built more controllable Intranets. Countries like China and Russia have built their own Intranet slices of the Internet to monitor and restrict their own citizens. Everyone else in the world is included. Do you think it stops there? More countries are on that list against us and against Freedom worldwide.


United States of America photo in Washington, DC, July 4th, 2020. Red, white and blue lights on.
Many people died for our Freedom. United we stand strong.

Do you know the largest democracy in the world closed parts of its Internet service for several months? India is the largest democracy in the world. Why was this acceptable? Why is it acceptable? Why wasn’t there an uproar? Because you could not hear it. You could not see it because they turned off the switch. They turned off the Internet. Try to file a report in India if you do not live in India. Arcane rules and jurisdictions. I know there are great people in India that want to help. It is at a higher level that the work needs to be done and checked.


If you are going to post some arcane falsehood, you should be restricted. Posting a threat? Bullying? Scam? Ciao. The freedom of speech gives us the right to speak freely to a point. Your thoughts, feelings, and ideas may be expressed without fear unless you intend ill will. This is what makes our country great. Expressions of hate have replaced posts of love. Planning funerals and not celebrating birthdays.

Negative posts have been circulated on our social media platforms by foreign sources to cause chaos. 

Posts have been created with malicious intent and distributed. Fake groups and posts are purposely made to circulate an opinion and point in a direction. That is subversion. We are at cyber war now. Top world officials know. We have top security experts here in the United States with technical skills above my level of expertise at the moment who will concur with my research.

Freedom. Many people have died for this right I hold dear. Black people. White people. All colors and races. Men women and children have sacrificed for what we took for granted. You can block many, but you can not block us all.


Computer nodes at night.

The ability to opine is one in which is a given right. Having the ability to use it wisely is still a skill that many have not perfected.  

Look at the three year old pointing back overseas charging every child and parent of the world guilty of what they have been doing. Your hand still has chocolate on it from being in the cookie jar. You are caught again my dear.

The choice to post, or not to post should mainly rest on my fingers. I understand the need to block certain content. The explosive rate of censorship and malicious content placement by enemies of Freedom are unacceptable. Period.

                                     Independent Security Researcher. @AlvieriD



Graphic photo collage of author, Dominic Alvieri.


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