Thursday, October 13, 2022

New Chinese Misinformation Campaign

Fake Campaign Attempts to Attribute Chinese Advanced Persistent Threat Group APT 41 to the NSA

By Dominic Alvieri 


October 12th, 2022

New Chinese misinformation campaign

A new Chinese misinformation campaign has been spreading this past week attempting to attribute the Chinese APT 41 to the National Security Agency. Many are using the Intrusion Truth name. 

Global Times Chinese domain article tweet.

Several new accounts tweeted in Chinese Mandarin for the local media in Asia while others have been created in English for a wider audience. All accounts use the APT 41 hashtag. 

Kimberly Allen Fake FireEye Attribution in Mandarin

The above tweet translates to FireEye attributing Chinese APT 41 to the NSA.

The tweet above has been removed but the account remains.

The FBI reports concludes what we all know while some are trying to create confusion in typical APT 41 style.

Dominic Alvieri, @AlvieriD Twitter

This is a new and current campaign with all accounts still currently open. No new activity has been spotted since the initial report this week with fake attribution tweets.

Blog will be updated as needed. Stay safe.

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