Monday, September 27, 2021

Social Media Accounts For Sale

Twitter Account with 185k Followers or an Instagram Public Figure with 90k for Sale

Social Media accounts for sale.

Social Media Accounts Caught for Sale

September 27th, 2021

By Dominic Alvieri

Several new social media accounts have been unveiled and are currently being offered for sale online. This isn't taking place on the DarkWeb but right here on the ClearNet. One Twitter account with up to 185k followers is for sale. A Facebook fans page and a YouTube channel are also available. Topping the intrigue list is the public figure Instagram account.


185k Twitter followers for sale.

Twitter account for sale.

Newly created TwitterSale[.]com obviously not related to Twitter has offered social media accounts for sale.

Instagram public figure social media account names don't match

Twitter, Instagram accounts names are different

 Instagram account offered

Instagram public figure account offered for sale.

A Facebook fans group page and a YouTube channel by the name of Dj DangDut (unavailble) offered. This site has offered a meme or cartoonish account for sale as well.

Associated to this Twitter profile

How important are followers?

I have 90 followers on Twitter and reporting a fake account for sale with 90k followers. How important exactly are followers? This is a great time to bring up the fake infosec Twitter female account that had 50k followers. Theses accounts are around. Don't automatically dismiss a small account or validate a larger one just by the followers. Remember I have 90 followers. 

As of press time the site "Twitter Sale' is still active. 

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri
Twitter @AlvieriD

Not on Facebook

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Elon Musk Crypto Event 2021 Fraud

Elon Musk is Not Sponsoring This Scam


By Dominic Alvieri

Elon Musk is not sponsoring this

New Event 2021 crypto scam is spreading like wildfire 

Elon Musk has been the crypto scammers favorite fraudulent lever to remove you from your hard earned money for some time now so it is no shock that several new Elon Musk related crypto scam sites have appeared in the last few weeks. Two major campaigns include the "Elon Musk Club" and the "Elon Musk Event 2021."

Elon Musk empty Twitter profile

This "Elon Musk Event 2021" featuring Elon as sponsor is spreading like a virus. Several sites have appeared around the world and many of them from eastern Europe. 

Here is a sample with the tagged theme shown below:


Over 20 sites and counting.

Elon Musk giveaway scam

Giveaway scam examples at Event 2021

Elon Musk fake giveaway scam

It is hard to believe but people do actually fall for these scams when the Musk brand is attached, in this case fraudulently. The Elon Musk Club and Event 2021 scams are different in scope and tactics but the goals are the same--to remove you from your crypto assets.

Elon Musk fake giveaway scam

Crypto scams have proliferated this year so this is nothing new except for the scale and scope of this fake endeavor. The pot was stirred. 

Baby coin mania in large part was stirred by Mr. Musk which had the negative effect of daily frauds created by the dozen including the Baby Musk fraud caught and reported earlier last month.

Baby Musk Token looks more like young Elon

Baby Musk Token fraud

Official Baby Musk Token promoter below

One of many caught

Crypto scams caught this year.

Just because it looks like Elon is behind something doesn't make it official. Always do your due diligence.  

Reports are in and sites keep appearing on this new crypto scam with over 20 sites and worldwide targeting. 

Stay safe.

Elon Musk

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Summer of Scams

 Phishing. Zero-Days, Malware. Crypto Fraud...

The Worldwide Summer of Scams

September 7th, 2021

By Dominic Alvieri

The summer of scams.

Summer 2021.

 Phishing, malware, daily crypto scams or a new zero-day highlighted security researchers days. This summer was just as busy as the first pandemic summer. The 20th zero-day was just logged against Microsoft today ( CVE-2021-40444 ) and 62nd overall this year.

Summer 2021 catches.

Companies from every industry were and are being targeted. Spear phishing against the financial industry with FINRA under several different attempts.

Phishing continues at a torrid pace.

Twitter phishing

Twitter patent infringement phishing


Scotiabank phishing


Facebook phishing


PayPal phishing


Twilio phishing

Microsoft tech support scam

Microsoft tech support scam

Examples of recent cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency scams highlighted the summer non-malware news. As crypto markets boomed so have crypto scams. New BEP20 token offerings have been all the rage with ease of registration.
The crazy crypto wild west.

Twitter examples

Dominic Alvieri on Twitter

Baby coin mania peaks


Fake crypto exchanges caught  xBinance exchange and Binance Futures dotnet.

Twitter scammer foiled again. twittercrypto[.]net

more fake tokens

Student aid phishing. Fake FAFSA logins

FAFSA phishing

The internet was crowded before. 
Several recent FBI warnings should be taken seriously. Weekends and holidays should be staffed adequately. 

Alerts include hyphenated domains which are becoming a major target for scammers. 
The summer is over but the scams continue.

The Cyber Show by Dominic Alvieri

The Kremlin, Politics and Ransomware

Qilin Ransomware caught with politically motivated fake document (and old data) in post. by Dominic Alvieri March 8th, 2025 @AlvieriD Was it...