Saturday, August 29, 2020

Attention Walmart shoppers...


TiKTok Still going, going...

August 29th, 2020 By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD


         Attention Walmart shoppers…

              …and Microsoft, Oracle, Triller, SoftBank, Twitter…

    One way or another, TikTok is changing in the next few months.

The Cyber Show reporting on TikTok drama.


The process is just insane. The company is unable to protect its data from Chinese law. The president of the United States is forcing the sale. CEO Kevin Mayer quit this week after only a few months. Lawsuits have been filed and investment banking teams are meeting around the clock all over the world. All risks are not known to all parties.


CNBC Tweet of TikTok situation this month.

TikTok has been caught logging MAC addresses and has not been helpful with fake accounts on its platform. Some of the videos are so stupid and bullying, but they remain on the site and it has been growing like crazy. ByteDance, parent of TikTok has finally released subscriber rates to increase its sale price. With all the bad press surrounding the company, this is a last ditch effort to glorify the value of its assets under its waning control.

The data grab is complete.

Legacy accounts will have to be changed.

It will be a security nightmare for the acquirer of US TikTok assets.


My Tweet from May about TikTok security.

Bloomberg has reported that SoftBank has filed to sell $14 Billion in assets to raise cash. Microsoft, Oracle, Twitter and even Walmart has stepped up to the table. Reuters reported early this morning that Triller made a $20 Billion bid late last night with the help from another firm. That is not a serious bid. The stakes are higher.

No doubt there will be more twists and turns to this saga this week. Stay tuned.



Analyst, Independent Researcher and Tracker.


Sunday, August 2, 2020

2 Bitcoin Thieves

2 Bitcoin Thieves...

    By Dominic Alvieri @AlvieriD

        Please return the original Bitcoin stolen and keep the balance.

                               I wish it was just 2 Bitcoin thieves.


Dominic Alvieri, The Cyber Show.

Year after year I have had Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies stolen. Every year the keep rising.

Year after year I have had my identity stolen as well. Send another email. Write another letter. Not this year. I have been fighting back. Cybersecurity has to be active, not passive. National, corporate and your personal future are at stake.

Year after year I keep waiting for something to be returned. Keep waiting. I am done waiting. Year after year I have skilled up.


 With the onset of the Pandemic, I was struck again. SIM jacked, May 22nd, 2020 at 2:58am, EST. Every account compromised after the first 3 minutes. Cryptocurrency accounts were the first to go. Why? So easy. So fast. Gone before you know it. Out of your account and into another and probably off to an illegal mixing service with attempts to hide the ownership trail. It can still be traced but that is not for the faint of heart.

Cold storage. What? I term many associate with food is actually one of the few safeguards you have with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and certain other assets. Cold storage is keeping your assets offline. Not just cryptocurrencies, but other assets as well. Do not have all your bank accounts online. I strongly suggest it. It saved what little I had left. The national idiots are easier to catch. Once again, try reporting a cybercrime overseas. Good luck in some cases. Keep waiting. Keep getting frustrated that your investment that was stolen continues to rise.

Die Cyber Show, German for The Cyber Show ad.

I have a more detailed article on Bitcoin coming up. This is not investment advice. This is just my personal opinion. Store of value? Not unless you store it offline. No one says that. I am telling you. This is not an investment blog, just information and my opinion. Merchants do not want to participate in Bitcoin due to the volatility and ease of theft.

Put it on the Blockchain. If you hear someone say that, they do not know what they are talking about. Technology evolves daily. There is not just one Blockchain and it is not just for cryptocurrency transactions. That is another issue. But you have the clue.


Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have continued to rise since the years they have been stolen from me. I have officially now had more cryptocurrency stolen over my lifetime then I have made in cryptocurrency investments. Trace back the $25k in Bitcoin stolen years ago. That alone should be over six figures. Hope the thief has enjoyed it. Probably spent it years ago. 

How would you feel. Why don’t we ask the poor people who got scammed out of Bitcoin with the Twitter hack a few weeks ago. I was one of the first to report and confirm that. Twitter did a great job, as did Coinbase, a US based firm. Facts. How would you feel having your stolen investments go up and you just write a letter and send an email?


Le Cyber Show, French for The Cyber Show, by Dominic Alvieri

We are Americans, not American’ts. Be careful with your assets and your social accounts. Most importantly, your phone. Watch what you put on it. Watch what access you give to your data. Use 2FA and biometrics. Layer your protection. It can happen to you before you finish reading this blog.  

What have you done during the Pandemic?

 I am not a writer, but I am writing a blog. I am not a YouTuber, but I am making videos. I am alive. There is always hope. You can take everything and I will still build again. Protect yourself. This is what I am doing. I'm fighting back.                                                                                                                

Independent Security Researcher.   @AlvieriD


Dominic Alvieri, Independent Security Researcher.



The Kremlin, Politics and Ransomware

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